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  • Bolt: Fast, Affordable Rides

    Bolt: Fast, Affordable Rides CPI Ofertă

    Actualizat Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 9:30 PM CDT

Use your smartphone to order a ride, get picked up by a nearby driver, and enjoy a low-cost trip to your destination.

Why choose Bolt?
• Get a comfortable, low-cost ride.
• Fast arrival times, 24/7.
• See the price of your ride before you order.
• You can pay inside the app (Credit/Debit/Apple Pay).

Easily request a ride with the Bolt app:
1. Open the app and set your destination;
2. Request a driver to pick you up;
3. See your driver's location on the real-time map;
4. Enjoy the ride to your destination;
5. Leave a rating and pay.

Bolt features that require the app to stay running in the background:

• Emergency assist: Riders can quickly and discreetly alert an emergency response team with our in-app Emergency Assist button. This also notifies our dedicated safety team, who will make an immediate welfare call.
• Audio trip recording: Allows riders to trigger an in-app audio recording if they ever feel uncomfortable during a ride.
• Private phone details: When a rider makes a call via our app, the caller’s phone number remains hidden.

*We're dedicated to fostering greener cities, which is why we're continually looking to increase our lineup of electric and hybrid cars in our car-sharing offering, Bolt Drive. You can also rent Bolt scooters and electric bikes via the app.

Our mission is to make cities for people, not cars. We're doing this by bringing fast, reliable, and affordable forms of transport to millions of people around the world, while also helping millions of drivers support their families. The next time you need a ride, take a Bolt!

Bolt is available in 50 countries and 600+ cities around the world.

*Bolt car and scooter rental options differ by location. Check the app for availability in your city.

Earn money driving with the Bolt Driver app. Sign up at

Questions? Get in touch via [email protected] or at

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Atenție importantă: Pentru a menține calitatea și integritatea rețelei noastre, acceptăm doar trafic genuin de la utilizatori interesați. Sistemul nostru detectează automat când membrilor încercă să completeze ofertelor proprii, ceea ce este strict interzis. Această politică ajută la asigurarea interacțiunilor autentice pentru toti. Încălcarea aceastei politici va rezulta în eliminarea imediată dintre rețeaua noastră. Îți mulțumim pentru înțelegere și ajutorul de a menține o comunitate de încredere.

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