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Bridge Money CPI Ofertă
Actualizat Friday, August 16, 2024 at 6:00 AM CDT
Zelle your roommate?
Venmo your boyfriend?
Log in to a payment portal?
Pay by check?
Slide an envelope of cash across the table to your landlord?
No matter how you pay your rent each month, you’re eligible to earn Rent Rewards by Bridge.
How to earn cash back on your rent:
1. Link your Account
Link the account you use to pay your rent to your Bridge app, and our technology will automatically identify and verify your monthly rent payment.
2. Earn your Rent Rewards
Complete one or more free qualifying activities and unlock your monthly Rent Rewards as well as automatic cash back on everything else you buy with your linked accounts.
3. Cash Out your Earnings
Earn Bridge coins and cash out directly for real money to your linked account. No restrictive point systems, no devaluations, and no gift cards.
Join the hundreds of thousands of people earning rewards and real money every single day–easily, automatically and stress-free.
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contactează-ne .
Apreciem părerea ta și vom aborda problema prompt.
Verifică ultimele noastre oferte:
Primește plata ZILNIC alăturându-te rețelei CPAlead astăzi!
Începând cu 2006, CPAlead a plătit peste $100,000,000 dezvoltatorilor de aplicații mobile și site-uri web în peste 180 de țări.
Reputația noastră ca fiind cel mai bun marketplace CPA și CPI este publică și indiscutabilă. Caută TrustPilot, mThink, Facebook, Google Business, Business Of Apps, sau AffPaying pentru CPAlead și vezi tu însuți ce spun despre noi editorii și anunțatorii noștri.